Saturday 30 November 2013

North Pole breakfast !

Well last night I prepared the North Pole breakfast table ready for the elf's arrival !

The elf needed to arrive in a box like on the DVD because that's how Isaac believes he should arrive so I packed our elf up and left him at the front door to be discovered !

The elf also left a special note to describe his mission !

This morning I crept down early and added the food to the table before the boys (Isaac and his friend Kichongo) came downstairs !

Then the boys appeared ! Isaac found the box right away and was so excited ! 

The elf then took pride of place at the head of the table with Santa for the breakfast !

Then the boys' fun began ! The were so happy !

Powdered doughnut face! ⬆

Party popper faces ! ⬆

Some of the pics are blurry but I love their happy faces !!

Coca cola !! At breakfast !! Wow ! Cheers ! ⬆

So it was a huge success ! Little worried about the sugar high today hahahaha ! But so worth it !

Elf excitement starts tonight ! Check back tomorrow to see what he's been up to ! 


  1. It looks like the boys had an amazing time! Looking forward to seeing what the elf gets up to! x

  2. That is awesome. Yor are creating life long memories and a tradition he will carrry on with his kids. Love that he was able to share it woth his friend! Can't wait to what tgat elf gets himslef into.

  3. Oh tablet typos should be Your not yor, wuth not woth and that not tgat.

    1. Seriously I cant type today should be with not wuth or woth :-)

  4. I LOVE this!!! thank you for sharing. You can link here -
